This site is dedicated to provide readers valuable and free information about internet marketing with the not-so-knowledgeable internet audience in mind! If you are a newbie and know nothing in internet marketing but very interested to earn online, then this site can help you! This is Internet Marketing for Newbies!

Learn and Earn Quick from Internet Marketing Guru, Joel Christopher!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What are Links and How It Can Help You in Internet Marketing

Here's another FREE LESSON ABOUT LINKS which our Internet Marketing Workshop provides to online members (paying and non-paying; see why there are paying and non-paying students)

Now, on with our lessons on links. Here's what you'll learn from it: INCREASE YOUR BLOG'S POPULARITY USING LINKS!!!

Here's the link again: CLICK HERE!

That's it!

NOTE: Non-paying students get free very usable lessons from the Club while paying students get the really meaty stuff in internet marketing, a step-by-step series of lesson on blogging for dollars and selling ANY product online. If you want to get all these meaty internet marketing stuff, you can register now and get 50% off from the regular fee only until September 2nd, 2009! So, hurry and register now. Here's the link: Online Internet Marketing Workshop

Learn Internet Maketing from Jomar Hilario: An Audio Seminar

Hello guys!

Here's an audio seminar that my internet marketing mentor, Jomar Hilario, conducted today (a Sunday) for his online members (paying and non-paying). I thought of sharing it with you so you can benefit from his knowledge and experience. This is a Question and Answer Audio Seminar where his students ask questions and he provides honest-to-goodness answers. Enjoy!

May you achieve true success!


PS. If you want to learn from him through a series of lessons on earning through the internet, click HERE!

Topics include the following:
- Learn how to start blogging to earn dollars from Google Adsense
- Learn how to choose a topic that pays high
- Learn how to promote ANY product or service (Yes, ANY!) through the internet

Click here to learn internet marketing through the online format. Click this for the live version of the internet marketing workshop in Manila.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to Use the Internet to Get Clients for Your Business!

I'm sure everyone who uses the internet knows that the internet is a marketplace. Wherever you go, you are presented by a sales pitch, whether it's an electronic product, a service or a physical product like bags or jewelries. Even Facebook programs sell you stuff. Have you tried playing Farm Town? The wonderful program allows you to play this very addictive game (ask my family! Haha.) for free but you have the option to purchase virtual farm materials (like a barnyard, equipment, trees) if you can't wait for your harvest.

Now that you're convinced that the internet is a market place, don't you think it will be good for you to use it as a tool for your business to grow as well? Imagine selling your services or products to the world? That's 1 billion internet users for you! That's an amazing number!

Here's a link to a free guide I can give you which you might be able to use to undertand how it can work for your business. Grab it now: FREE LESSON

Have FUN!

PS1. If you want to join our online version of the internet marketing workshop, click here now! We might limit the number since we will be giving 1-year of free coaching, guiding you every step of the way! Here's the link:  ONLINE IMW

PS2. Hurry! Here's the link to the online version of the internet marketing workshop: ONLINE IMW

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is There Money in the Internet? YES, There Is!

Hello guys!

Some of you might still wonder whether it is really true that there is money in the internet. Most of them believe that these are scams. Websites telling you to pay a joining fee and promising you hundreds of dollars in return per month. Then, after you've joined, the company closes after one month. That's a scam! Now are all internet gimmicks scams? The answer is a resounding NO!

Want proof? Of course you do! So I'm giving you proof. Here's a letter sent to me by Bo Sanchez, a best-selling author, renowned Christian speaker and a finance mentor. Read on and start believing!


Last week, my friend asked me, “Bo, what’s your biggest income stream? Is it your internet marketing businesses?”

          His question hit me—My gosh, it is!

          I never thought of it.

          Let me explain.

          I don’t have much time for my businesses. 80% to 90% of my time is on my ministry. That means most of my attention and energy is focused on running my 9 non-profit organizations.

          So the remaining 10% to 20% of my time, I divide up into my various small businesses—real estate, corporate seminars, financial brokerage, etc. The problem is I enjoy all my businesses. Even if it earns just a little, I’m happy with it—as long as I can help people. But because my time is so limited, I might as well focus on the businesses where I earn most, right?

          And yes, I’m earning a lot in my internet marketing businesses.

          What is internet marketing?

Internet marketing means selling whatever product you have via the internet. It could be a physical product, information product, or a service that you do.

You don’t even have to have your own product. You could affiliate with people who do, and earn via commissions every single month.

You could also earn by posting google ads in your blog—if you market your blog right. It may not be much (initial goal: $100 a month) but it’s a good start as you learn the ropes of internet marketing.

You may have an existing business—and chances are high that you’ll earn more—and make your life easier—if you learn internet marketing.

For example, my friend sells her prenatal clinic services via the internet—and has grown her clients because of it.

My other friend sells condos. Just by using very simple internet marketing strategies, she’s able to sell them.

I have a friend who rents out 200+ apartment units. (Yes, he owns them all. Tough life.) He uses the internet to fill up those 200 units every single month. He told me that 80% of his tenants come from his internet marketing. Isn’t that amazing?

          Some say that President Obama won because his team mastered internet marketing. If you can win a Presidency with internet marketing, it must be really powerful.

          If you want to learn how to create your own internet income, join internet marketing guru Jomar Hilario at the TrulyRich Hands-On Internet Marketing Workshop. For 14 to 16 hours, he’ll teach you how to build your internet business right there—because you’ll do the workshop with a computer in front of you. You’ll have a lot of fun too.


So do you believe in it already? What are you waiting for? Register now for the September 25-26, 2009 Internet Marketing Workshop. Click on this link to register.

May you achieve true success!


PS. It is not impossible for you to get ALL your income through Internet Marketing. Start learning. Register for the September 25-26,2009 workshop by clicking on THIS LINK.

Earn from home now! Click on the link below!

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Internet Marketing for Newbies